Education is the bedrock of our society that succesive governments have put their stamp on, some for the better and some for the worse.

Horses for Courses

Primary and Secondary Education must be freed from Political and Religious influence

Higher Education must be shaped to satisfy the Country's needs giving free University / College places where critical shortages are forecast

Labour under Tony Blair had a vision of putting every child through University without a thought for the consequences of hammering round pegs into square holes and without considering the needs of the nation. This conveniently was a way of reducing unemployment figures at the expense of tens of thousands of students crashing out of University unable to cope with the stresses and strains of of academic work and rendering themselves unemployablefailures having to start over in a career more suited to their abilities.

Quote "The proportion of students continuing straight into the second year of their degree in the same university stood at 81.6 per cent in 2014-15, the lowest figure since 2009-10." according to a Times Higher Education Study and there is a further drop out after the second year.