We are looking for a society that makes positive steps to secure the future of our planet and in our small way everyone can help towards that aim. It does mean that every political stance we make must have this ultimate mission in mind.

Let us consider the single major problem that threatens this planet - MANKIND

The planet has adequate resources to support the diversity of plant and animal life including man but is threatened by an ever increasing population. Man must rethink how he is growing population exponentialy and look to stabilise and reduce the world's population.

But there are conflicting segments of mankind that this long term agenda does not suit, there are parts of mankind that wish to control all mankind by outpopulating them, there are the super rich intent on persuading mankind that we need never ending "GROWTH" which is equally disastrous. For never ending growth these people need never ending population growth to satisfy their short term ends and they are prepared to redistribute populations around the world to maximise this potential, regardless of the chaos caused in their pursuit of sales. These globalists are aided and abetted by the elite seeking One World Government via the tools of the UN and their subsiduary the WHO who see an open borders, mass migration agenda as the means of diluting national identities which are an anathema to a Unitary World Government.

This agenda is supported by the major parties in the UK without the support or knowledge of the people on this issue, leaving everyone puzzled why all parties promise to control immigration and covertly encourage it.

Solving these complex problems is far from easy because whilst this is the root of nearly all other problems, we have to make order of the developing chaos within our sphere of control and set examples for others to follow.