The UK has been split assunder by the referendum to Leave the European Union but in many ways it has brought politics to the forefront of people's lives, amplified by the two Social Media platforms of Facebook and Twitter that now dominate many adult lives.

The days of the cosy Westminster Elite with their respective safe seats scattered around the nation are now numbered. They have been blown apart by the SNP in Scotland and UKIP in England and Wales and a radical shift with Labour moving from a Conservative light Blair agenda to a far left Marxist one.

However, sudden and dramatic growth and success for both UKIP and the SNP have taken their toll with depth of competency and professionalism being tested to the limits leaving UKIP in particular with dramatic splits accentuated by it's inability to find a suitable leader. Whilst the SNP have wobbled a little but a long established structure dating back to 1934 has provided tried and tested stability.

Overall there are millions of people that have through the EU referendum and stimulation from Social Media realised that none of the major parties represent their views leaving them feeling thoroughly disenfranchised. This has led to new political parties being created seeking to satisfy particular gripes from sections of the population whether it is to provide Direct Democracy and look after our War Veterans via "Democracy & Veterans Party" or to provide a firm stand against the Islamisation of the UK through "For Britain". Whilst this has provided refuge for some views there is still a need in the nation for a party that better represents the nation as a whole, bringing the nation together to work towards a prosperous nation instead of political point scoring within a Westminster bubble.

The answer is a party solely focused upon the prosperity and wellbeing of the nation, a home for the people sick of the constant infighting and with a set of policies generally reflective of their views that have been arrived at in a transparent democratic manner. This must be backed up by a Constitution that safeguards this democratic transparency and provides a framework for growth whilst providing procedures for conflict resolution again in a transparent manner.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow - This is a first step on a marathon journey - Let us hope we can find a home for all those disenfranchised people of the UK in OneUK